WWII Rationing Resources Tab

After a sweet email from a tutor about how their student was able to use my blog for her research paper and shared some of the resources she used, I decided to update and refresh my list of WWII Rationing resources! I've been able to add a lot more links, though I do need to work on my list of books. That's a daunting one, to be honest, because there's SO much out there. My personal collection is currently packed, so I can't reference those titles right now. A project for another day!

I definitely wanted to draw your attention to my new addition to my resource page focusing on learning about wartime rationing around the world. I think most people think of WWII rationing in terms of two places - the UK and the US. This is an incredibly narrow view of rationing during the war, and I didn't even think about it until I spoke with a lovely Japanese lady at a WWII event where I had a rationing display tell me about food rationing in Japan during the war. I had never even thought about what it was like around the world! That experience spurred my current quest to build a more well-rounded body of knowledge about what food conditions were like for countries all around the world affected by the war. So, check out the new tab and let me know what you think!