Wartime Menu Challenge: April - Hamburg Delicious

Here's the final menu for April before the new May menus post tomorrow!

I was looking forward to this one - Hamburg Delicious. No hiding behind a title here! The real test was to see if the recipe lived up to its name.

The menu:
Hamburg Delicious
Kale & Salt Pork Bacon
Hard Rolls Rye Bread Toast
Golden Delight
Sliced Sweet Onion
Butter or Fortified Margarine
Crisp Crackers

Hamburg Delicious
For the crisp crackers I used what I had on hand:
some non-authentic Korean sesame coconut crackers.
Crisp and yummy! Oh well.

This meal required bacon and more bacon. I'll admit. I actually had salt pork on hand, but I've never used it before and didn't know how to use it or if it would be too greasy with the kale. So I just used up the rest of the bacon I had for the kale. Which is what prompted my son to bemoan the bacon's fate. Tough breaks, kid!

The Hamburg Delicious is essentially hamburgers dusted in flour and cooked in bacon fat with potatoes and onions. And it was pretty darn delicious! Definitely something I won't be making again if I care about my family's health. haha! The Kale and Bacon was yummy. No surprise there.

I made the Golden Delight the next day. It's a very odd dessert. Instead of using gelatin, it uses a cornstarch base using orange juice with oranges and pineapples mixed in and chilled until solid. It was just okay. Nothing to write home about. 

Thanks for joining me for April's menus! I'll be getting May's menus up sometime tomorrow. Yippee!

Golden Delight