New Ration Challenge and a Ration Cookbook Collection

The time is finally here for another ration recipe challenge! Hooray! Ever since my last one ended in December 2014, I've been thinking of what kind of ration challenge I could set for myself next time. For three years I've been stewing over some ideas, and because March 2018 marks the 75th anniversary of full wartime food rationing starting for the United States, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to finally kick off the new challenge!

Last time I made and posted about one recipe every week for a year. This time, I'm going to be utilizing full menu plans from my collection of ration cookbooks. I'm doing a trial run this month and next to see how exactly I'm going to pull this off. Cooking from a week's worth of menus once each month? One day's menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner, & lunch box) each week? I might even do a combination of the two. We'll have to see...

I plan on making it so that everyone can cook along with me. I'll provide the menu and the recipes, and you join in the fun! I'll have more information as we get closer to March. Wish me luck as I try and figure everything out.

I've included my video below. Pardon that I ramble on a bit. I'm still getting used to the YouTube world. Ha!

And finally, you can see and download the week's menu I talk about in the video for free by clicking HERE. I've added in the lunchbox menus and included Sunday's recipes so you can give it a try too!

(The menus are no longer available here, but more resources will be available soon at my new website American Victory Kitchen!)