Goals for 2018

Looking ahead to 2018 - just a few days away! I set some sewing goals last year, but I don't think I sewed anything! I was being pretty ambitious, but recovering from pregnancy & delivery, getting used to caring for a baby again, and doing everything else I was doing before really made it difficult to face the challenge of sewing. But now that baby is a year old and we've got things better figured out, I'm hoping that 2018 will be a happy sewing year! Here are this year's challenges from the Historical Sewing Monthly which you can read about in full here. I know I won't get to do all these challenges, but I'm quite excited about how inspiring they are.

January: Mend, Reshape, Refashion: I think I might squeeze in my WLA hat for this challenge that I remolded this past fall. Or make another one to sell. The WLA existed in WWI, so I think I might be able to pull it off for the challenge!

Feb: Under: I'm hoping to finally FINALLY make that custom Rev War corset from the pattern I bought ages ago. I'm back to the size when I bought the darn thing, so no excuses anymore!

March: Comfort at Home: ......?

April: Buttons and Fastenings: I have so many amazing buttons. Maybe a 19-teens skirt? I'd like to explore more from this era, but it might not be this year... Maybe a blouse instead?

May: Specific to a Time [of Day or Year]: .....?

June: Rebellion and Counter-Culture: I'd like to incorporate more vintage clothing into my everyday wear, so I'm making 1930s trousers for this challenge.

July: Sleeves: .....?

August: Extant Originals: I can't officially post about this one for the challenge, but I'm having a friend help me reproduce a 1940s dress from an original I own. The dress is so comfy and cool, but the fabric is thin and damaged, and I don't want to risk hurting it anymore than it is. I'm really excited about having a reproduction of this one to wear! I'm hoping she'll mock up a pattern for me too, so I can make several more.

September: Hands and Feet: ....?

October: Fabric Manipulation: I might make a hat for this one!

November: Purses and Bags: I'd like to knit or crochet a wartime lunch bag for this one. I'm sad they don't include 1940s in the challenge, but oh well!

December: Neglected Challenge: My bestie, Mairi, and I are planning to make some dresses from some of Temple Bailey's books from the 19-teens to the 1930s! We have to start planning this one early!

Besides this challenge, I'd like to finish a 1939 Victory dress I started, some 1940s trousers, and finish at least 1 quilt of the two I'm working on. One is a tumbling blocks quilt I started when my husband and I were engaged - 12 years ago!!!, and the other is my 1930s repro fabric quilt. The 1930s one just has square blocks, so easy peasy. The tumbling blocks quilt is way more complicated - all the shapes are diamonds! Yikes!