Historical Sew Monthly Challenge - January: Firsts & Lasts

18th century petticoat using a lovely striped linen

I finished this one quite a bit ago, but just never got around to posting about it. I'm not personally modeling my finished petticoat, because I think it looks weird by itself without the jacket which I haven't made yet.

Here's the breakdown for the project -

The Challenge: January - Firsts and Lasts. This is the first item in my 18th century outfit.

Material: 100% striped linen from Burnley & Trowbridge

Pattern: Petticoat by J. P. Ryan

Year: late 18th century

Notions: linen tape, cotton thread

How historically accurate is it? 95%. Historically accurate pattern though I used the sewing machine for most parts except the hemming.

Hours to complete: Maybe 4-5 hours

First worn: Not worn yet. I'm waiting to finish my outfit!

Total cost: about $35 for cost of linen and linen tape