Historical Sewing Challenge #11 - Red

For March I sewed a 1930s blouse, but because of a few set-backs I didn't finish it until the beginning of April. (I'm really late posting about it too. Sorry!) I'm really happy with it! And it turns out, that doing a mock-up can be a good thing. Usually, I don't bother, but I didn't want to ruin my nice, more expensive material. This is a bonus, because now I have 2 blouses to wear. Yay!

And I love, love, love this material! It's a super 1930s-style print, fun, and colorful, and it really makes me happy to look at it. I even bought special vintage buttons to go with it! 
So here's the breakdown:

The Challenge: November - Red

Material: 100% cotton print

Pattern: Wearing History 1930s Smooth Sailing Blouse

Year: 1930s

Notions: cotton thread, 1940s casein buttons

How historically accurate is it? 99% The pattern is a modern one, but based off originals.

Hours to complete: approx. 8-10 hours

First worn: Saving it for a WWII event this weekend at Graeme Park, PA

Total cost: about $45 for fabric and original buttons

This is a weird picture of me, but I don't have many photos of me wearing it yet.
I'll take a bunch at the event!