Historical Sewing Challenge #2 - Ruffles or Pleats

So... I cheated on this one. Twice. But I don't really care. I'm sewing, and that's all that matters. Yay!

 1940s Apron

I've had this awesome vintage-inspired fabric since my husband and I were at college in Logan, UT in 2008. I'd gone to the farmer's market and saw this vendor selling a super cute apron made out of this beautiful fabric. I begged her to tell me where she got it, and as soon as I got home, I hunted it down and ordered some. Ever since, I've been waiting for the perfect project, and this 1940s apron was it!

Here's the breakdown:

The Challenge: February - Ruffles or Pleats (I cheated and did scallops. Close enough, right? Besides, putting bias tape on scalloped edges is a pain in the rear! I figured the headache involved justified my cheating. So ha!)

Material: 100% cotton print

Pattern: Wearing History 1940s apron

Year: 1940s (my second cheat. The challenge's cut off date is 1938. Oh well!)

Notions: cotton thread, bias tape, a super cool button from my stash

How historically accurate is it? 100% The 1940s rock. It's so much easier to do sewing in this era. Hallelujah!

Hours to complete: about 4 hours. Maybe less

First worn: the same day I made it. I made dinner wearing it.

Total cost: maybe $20 for fabric, thread, and bias tape. I already had the button

This is a landmark project too. I made my first buttonhole by machine. That's right! I haven't sewed a single button hole in my life on a sewing machine. They've all been done by hand. Need I repeat how much I love the 1940s??