It's Coming...Soon!

Gray Pinstripe Rayon
I'm using for my 1940s dress

For this year I set a goal to sew one historical piece of clothing every month this year. This month I've been working on my 1940s dress. I'll admit - I put it off to last minute. This month has been so crazy with two new teaching commitments on top of our regular homeschooling. My 1940s dress pattern pieces have been languishing in my sewing basket for a few months pinned to the fabric and everything, just needing to be marked and cut out. I determined that this month I would finally get that one out of the way so I can focus on making our late 1700s clothing.

Well, I finally got the pieces cut out, marked, and even all the hard parts of the dress sewn, but I wasn't able to finish it by the end of this month. :-(

Today was really busy. I went on a trip to D.C. to the Museum of American Art with some girlfriends of mine. And then I went with my friend Christina on a crazy trip to IKEA (never go on a Saturday, people!! What was I thinking???) So, now I'm home and exhausted and don't feel like sitting at a sewing machine to make my deadline. But I am comforted in knowing that most of the hard parts of the dress are done, and I am definitely going to finish it this week! I will be posting pictures soon. I'm not going to make it like a tutorial, I'm sad to say. I do love sewing, but it's a lot more complicated than baking!

Anyway, I'll be back soon with pictures of the finished dress!