The Chemise is Finished!

I finally finished hand-sewing my Regency chemise last week. Yippee! What a relief! It really wasn't that difficult. It was just time consuming, and I feel pretty darn proud of myself for entirely hand-sewing it!

Chemise - Ungathered neckline

Chemise - gathered neckline

A close up of some of my "lovely" stitching.
I can definitely say my hand stitching has improved during this project!

I don't think I technically can stick it with this Historical Sew Fortnightly challenge, but I will anyway. :-)

The Challenge: Peasants & Pioneers
Fabric: white 50/50 linen-cotton blend
Pattern: Sensibility Patterns
Year: early 19th century - Regency
Notions: cotton thread, twisted cotton cording
How historically accurate is it? Not sure. I think it's pretty close. 95% maybe? 
Hours to complete: 12-14 hours? I'm not exactly sure, but it definitely took a long time!
First worn: Not yet.
Total cost: Maybe about $20 for fabric, thread, and cording

My next chemise or two will be out of 100% cotton. But I liked the feel of the linen and was happy with how it turned out.